Articles- Web Design

Limping is putting it mildly; it’s more between a limp and two broken legs, pathetically dragging on the floor for all of 2018. If E-Commerce in Trinidad & Tobago was an animal, I’d shoot it and put it out of it’s misery. Fortunately, website design has remained constant and solid, … Read More


What if I told you that 2017 was a good year for web design and E-Commerce in Trinidad & Tobago? Cart me off to St. Anns right? Most national indicators were actually UP in 2017, unfortunately not the good ones— crime (the real biggy), inflation, corruption to name a few, … Read More


It’s been my best and worst year since I started websiting. If I write everything you’ll swear I’m making it up. At it’s peak I was flying above the stratosphere with grand visions of Forward Multimedia going interstellar at ten times the speed of light! At its worst I … Read More


With the dreaded budget day 2016 getting very close, Trinis expect and will get the worst news, and no telling how this will impact E-Commerce investment and related activity as I really can’t call it now. Immediately what comes to mind is the online shopping tax proposed last year and … Read More


I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last blog post and I’m sure you’re wondering where I am. First, I can get away with such a gap between articles— and only for the short term, but not you (it impacts on your SEO). I’m going to nip that … Read More


That sound you heard was the recession slamming into web design like a Mack truck. Despite the glimmer of hope at the start of the year, by the second quarter of 2016 everything dropped sheer off the edge of the cliff. Yes, website design in Trinidad & Tobago took a … Read More


Trini business owners have to make a choice between investing in their website or ‘expensing’ it to weather this Trinidad & Tobago recession. From the looks of it, it looks like it’s going to be a long one and things are probably going to get worse, much worse, before they … Read More


That title reads like written for a news agency doesn’t it? It’s the truth though, I believe the jury came back in and that IS the verdict. If you recall, I said that the jury was out on whether Trini businesses would hold off on websites or invest in them … Read More


Five years and what a ride! Fortunately, I’m still in my seat. I won’t say that Forward Multimedia has exceeded my expectations as that would mean I didn’t expect much; it would be a poor reflection on me to start a business that way, since I went to business … Read More


So much for remaining ‘small’, ’boutique’, ‘a one-man show’. For the past few months I’ve been dying a death of a thousand cuts but only slowly realizing it. Pardon me while and add some ketchup and pepper on my words as I’m about to eat them right in front of … Read More


An unfinished website hurts you and hurts me. Trinidad companies have a knack for starting their websites hot, then boiling dong like bhagi


Over 200 new domain extensions are available for registration with hundreds more coming. Time to end the TT quick-fix. Finally get your perfect domain!


‘Satisfied customers’, ‘we aim to provide excellent service’. there’s a buffet of go-to buzzwords and buzz-phrases on call for any sentence to make it compelling for your website visitor. Or so you think…


What makes one company more successful over the other is its ability to use available tools effectively to achieve business goals. A website however, puts the control of a company’s destiny in their own hands much more than any other marketing medium.


There’s been a continuing sea of change over the last nine months. Trinidad & Tobago businesses and organizations are steadily adding new websites to the local cyberspace and it’s very heartening. It has been a healthy mixture of some going online for the first time as well as re-designs of … Read More


With more and more businesses wising up to websites there are many individuals smelling opportunities to make money from them. As the title suggests, it usually comes about when one observes some public need that’s being unfulfilled by a website that does whatever it is, or feel like they can … Read More


I feel like an Oracle as what I’ve prophesied is coming to pass, is passing, and will probably PASS YOU before you can blink. In case you didn’t know, the world wide web turned 25 in March 2014, which means it turned about 5 in Trinidad & Tobago. It’s probably … Read More


I’ll preface this article with a brief history lesson.  I placed my very first ad in the Trinidad Express classifieds back in January 2011. Back then (as if it was really that long), Forward Multimedia was totally unknown in T&T, nowhere to be found Google for any keyword, and I … Read More


As we close out November I’ll have much to write in my 2013: Year in Review article especially as I see things closing out on a high note and in stark contrast from last year. Talk about turning on a dime, the sudden change in gear around mid-2013 has … Read More


Weird question right? A recent experience prompts me to write this though I’ve had more than a few similar experiences within the past few months. Without sounding too self serving I’ve had new clients whose websites I’ve had to take over from their current website designer. If the company already … Read More
