Articles- SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a standard inquiry when clients seek my website design services. It’s rise in popularity of late has seen requests for it à la carte as well. I believe the main driver behind this impetus is the combined force of now acute awareness forcing some … Read More


I’m compelled to write Part 5 right on the heels of Part 4 for two reasons: 1. It’s a developing story worthy of special attention, and 2. The shifting sands in Trinidad & Tobago I’m witnessing of late is palpable, seemingly out of nowhere. I’m seeing such an uptick in … Read More


I’ve been following this SEO development which began to make waves a few days ago, for which experts claim that it ‘changes SEO as we know it’. That’s a big statement to make and you would think that the sheer gravity of it would be making headlines. It has, but … Read More


I’ve pre-empted my planned content for Part 4 to bring you this absolutely priceless infographic, billed as ‘Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List’ that explains 200 ways Google is judging your website right now. As we say in Trini ‘Wha more yuh want?’
It’s a dizzying list, some you’ll be … Read More


In the previous article in this series I highlighted the need for your website to be ready for the visit lest you disappoint your visitor when they come. It’s because many of the top returned sites on Google T&T don’t deserve their ranking, having ended up at the top or … Read More


I’m sure you were expecting this part to jump right into the nuts and bolts of Search Engine Optimization for Trinidad & Tobago: keywords, meta tags, heading hierarchy, link building and what have you— but I’m not. I’m going to deliberately put the bullcart before the bull. Let’s paint this … Read More


I Google, therefore I am. I’ve always said that the number one most visited website in Trinidad & Tobago is Facebook. The second most visited is Google T&T. Let me show you the top five right now:

Haven’t I been telling you that? We socialize, we search and we shop. You … Read More


I couldn’t write this article when I started Forward Multimedia a year and a half ago, for I was nowhere to be found on Google T&T back then. I stopped looking after page ten (and who the heck goes beyond page one?) and then grudgingly accepted that I had my work cut … Read More


The last time I talked about Forward Multimedia’s own Google rankings was roughly a year ago, October 9th, 2011 to be precise. We were also less than a year old in T&T and rankings were already dominated by a slew of local web designers. However we were able to appear … Read More
