Team Member- Avionne Niamath

Avionne Niamath Profile Pic
Avionne Niamath
Graphic Artist, Website Designer

BSc Computing & Information Systems
(First Class Honors)


I’m Avionne Niamath; graphic & website designer, amateur chef, dog lover and most recently, Client Support at Forward Multimedia.

Before joining the ranks at Forward Multimedia, I worked in the website development industry for five years. During this time, I had the opportunity to meet & interact with many new & different people. I’ve learned that there are LOTS of distinct personalities out there.

My studies at School of Accounting & Management led me to the career path I am now on. I attended their South Campus shortly after they opened their doors and after three years, I proudly walked away with First Class Honours BSc Computing & Information Systems.

I considered this to be a real achievement since during secondary school, I still wasn’t sure of the direction I wanted to take. My education at my alma mater, St. Stephen’s College was not exactly centred on a specific discipline. I did a combination of Science & Languages (what they called “Modern Studies”). Although I didn’t know what career these subjects would lead me to, it did feel pretty awesome to see a Grade I with Distinctions next to “Mathematics” on my CXC results sheet. St. Stephen’s College was still my home for the next two years while doing A-Levels.

I’ve been told that my greatest strength is also considered to be my weakest point.. I am persistent. So, much so that it can border on annoying. Like when someone in my house has to ask me to do something at least five different times, but I just can’t leave the task I am handling on my computer. But fear not, the trait that is considered annoying by some, will be a bonus for the Forward Multimedia customers requiring website support!

Nevertheless, here I am today; proud to be part of a highly-revered website design company in Trinidad & Tobago. I am eager to make sure that your website keeps the “Forward Multimedia standard” it was initially built with.

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