Forward Maintenance Plan- WordPress

  • Essential

    $1,800 TTD

    Back-ups & Security only

    WordPress Back-up
    Template Back-Up
    Database Back-Up
    Cloud Back-ups Monthly
    Malware Scans/Clean-Up
    Performance Scans
    Premium Defender Pro
    Technical Support & Troubleshooting
    WordPress updates (SAFE)
    Plug-in updates (SAFE)
    Template updates (SAFE)
    Content updates
    Uptime Monitor
  • Premium

    $3,800 TTD

    Back-ups, Security, Updates Plus

    WordPress Back-up
    Template Back-Up
    Database Back-Up
    Cloud & Offline Back-up on demand
    Malware Scans/Clean-Up
    Performance Scans
    Premium Defender Pro
    Technical Support & Troubleshooting
    Content updates (4 hrs)
    WordPress updates (SAFE)
    Template updates (SAFE)
    Plug-in updates (SAFE)
    Uptime Monitor


WordPress Back-up

Backs-up all template files and folders of the current WordPress version being used

Template Back-up

Back-up of all theme files and folders which will preserve any file customizations made

Database Back-up

Back-up of WordPress database. This contains all site content like pages and posts.

Cloud Back-up

Once a month back-up of website on off-site storage with easy one-click restore.

Malware Scans

Scans all files and folders for malware infections, a sign that your site has been hacked. Clean-up not included.

Performance Scans

Factors affecting page speed and load times, number of requests to server, other relevant areas etc.

Defender Pro Security

Hackers, brute forcers, and malicious bots are no match for Defender's mighty WordPress security shields and cloaking technology

Key SEO Metrics Report

Run checkups and get a comprehensive report on how optimized your site is for search engines and social media.

Client Care Report

An executive summary that shows everything done to your site with actionable items

Content Updates

Edit/Add/update any content to your site; new pages, images, menu items etc. Note: Uses Ticketing System for better tracking.

Technical Support

Investigate/troubleshoot technical issues as they arise. Fixing cost will be advised as per maintenance plan.

WordPress Updates(Safe)

Create restore point to help roll back a WordPress update if something goes wrong.

Plug-In Updates (Safe)

Update plug-ins/extensions being used on site with rollback if any conflicts arise

Template Updates (Safe)

Updates to latest version of current template as released by the theme author. Note not all templates are continuously updated.

Key SEO Metrics Report

Keep track of how your keyword ranking changes, find out who your competitors are.

Uptime Monitor

Get notified if your website goes down which gives you a chance to fix the problem before it becomes serious.


A paid maintenance plan is entirely optional. Your site can function without it. However, there will always be the risk of breaking or losing your site if something goes wrong, hence the need for regular back-ups so your site can be restored. The Essential Plan is purely back-up oriented and the absolute minimum protection. Chances are your site has been fine all year without it so far without the additional expense so it really boils down to your risk tolerance.

If your site gets hacked and there are no back-ups available for restore, it may be possible to clean the hacked site to restore the current files. This will require a paid premium cleaning service which goes for around $179 – $199 USD.

No, these plans are for anyone with a WordPress site no matter who designed it and not exclusive to Forward Multimedia clients.

No, as there’s no telling what the extent of the issue might be so to include fixing would not be feasible. If the issues are simple and easily fixed Forward Multimedia will undertake the repair out of the content update hours. If the issue is not simple and needs custom work, then a cost will be assessed and the client notified.

For those on the Essential Plan which doesn’t include content update hours, a cost will be similarly assessed.

All support under these maintenance plans will be via a Ticket system and NOT through email. This is for better tracking of requests, progress status and time spent from support hours paid for. After sign-up, an official Welcome email will be sent with log-in credentials to the support area HERE.

Content update hours DO NOT expire when the maintenance period is over. Any remaining hours will be carried over to the next maintenance period.

Time used out of content update hours are tracked by Forward Multimedia via the HONOR SYSTEM. There is no other way to track.

A WordPress website comprises 4 key elements: the core WordPress files which is the platform itself, the template (what gives the look and feel of the website), the plug-ins (like sliders, contact forms, page builders, shopping cart, payment gateways, delivery modules etc.) and the database. All 4 elements come from different parties and sometimes updates to any element may cause conflicts which affect how they work. Safe updates keep the best compatible versions of all elements.

Sign Up

Pick a plan you like and contact me to follow through with the sign-up. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask as my FAQ’s may not answer all; plus I’ll use it to expand the FAQs as well.

Ideally the maintenance period would be for the calendar year: 6 months January to June then July to December as it’s generally easier to manage. However it’s no big deal to sign up when you’re ready, the plan can always be pro-rated to suit.

Payments can be made via cheque, online bank transfer (details will be provided) or WiPay via credit card. Upon sign up, an official Welcome email will be sent to you with instructions and log-in details to access the official Support Area.

Sign up for a Maintenance Plan.
